- kgraph::df_cuis_pairsA dataset containing CUIs pairs
- kgraph::df_embeds_dictA dictionary for the m_embeds object
- kgraph::df_pvalA dataset containing GWAS p-values
- kgraph::df_pval_dictA dictionary for the df_pval object
- kgraph::m_embedsA dataset containing medical word embeddings
- MAP::phecode.cuis.listMAP dictionary
- nlpembeds::data_addSummary Statistics Dataset for Visualization
- nlpembeds::data_ccsSummary Statistics Dataset for Visualization
- nlpembeds::data_rxnormSummary Statistics Dataset for Visualization
- nlpembeds::data_wantSummary Statistics Dataset for Visualization
- nlpembeds::df_cui_mappingA dataset containing concept unique identifiers (CUIs) mappings
- nlpembeds::df_phecode_pairsA dataset containing Phecode pairs
- nlpembeds::onto_graph_processedA "CUI-dense" directed graph showing parent-child relationships of concepts
- nlpembeds::onto_graph_rawA "CUI-sparse" directed graph showing parent-child relationships of concepts
- opticskxi::crohnCrohn's disease data
- opticskxi::hlaThe HLA data
- opticskxi::m_psych_embedsA dataset containing the embeddings matrix of psychological related words
- opticskxi::m_psychwords
- opticskxi::multishapesA dataset containing clusters of multiple shapes
- sgraph::lesMisCo-appearances of characters in "Les Miserables"
- snplinkage::crohnCrohn's disease data
- tokenizers::mobydickThe text of Moby Dick